
S8E195: Why Change Matters with Karen Ball

S8E194: The Impact of Yoga and Fitness on Work Performance with Elise Carbone

S8E192: Unlocking the secrets to conferences with Greg Lawton, Olli Wade and Micah Piippo!

S8E193: The Four Key Reasons Projects Fail with David Whitmore!

S8E191: Detox Your Culture with Colin D Ellis

S8E190: The Role of Experience in Project Success with Ian Heptinstall

S9E189: Navigating Emotions in Project Management with Tammy Watchorn

S8E188: The pros and cons of associations and institutes with Adam Boddison (CEO, @APMProjectMgmt )

S8E187: Goal Setting with Clement Kwegyir-Afful

S8E186: The Consequences of Strategic Misrepresentation with Roger Garrini

S8E185: Diversity is not fully understood with Richard Bendall-Jones

E184: Cash and Carbon Counting, Machines, and Professional Shenanigans with Andrew Langridge

S8E183: Applied AI for beginners to pros with Vicky Emerson

S8E182: What is all this fuss about AI with Tim Creasey

S8E181: Antifragile Projects with Georgia Stillwell

S8E180: The Importance of Modularity, Scalability & Interoperability with Mike Paul

S8E179: Valuing the Project Timeline with Ali Mafi

S8E178: The Subtle Art of #ProjectPlanning with Micah Piippo

S8E177: AI in Project Management with James Garner

S8E176: ChatGPT Plus for Projects with Lawrence Rowland!

S7E175: Horizon Scanning with Dale & Val

S7E174: Breaking down barriers to the implementation of good practice with Adrian Dooley

S7E173: The Future of Project Management with Cameron Mills

S7E172: Gamification of Risk Management with Charlotte Candy

S7E171: Enhancing risk maturity in your operating environment with Colin McCorery & Jessie Schilling

RPMCast: EVA29 People and Data – Who's responsible for educating and upskilling?

S7E170: Building with Conscience – Cement's Eco Dilemma with Eoin Condren

S7E169: Project Controls – Keep It Simple Stupid with Paul Tucker

S7E168: Barriers to Adoption of Technology in Construction with Sarah Crawley

S7E167: newPM – Human-centric data-driven project delivery with Donnie MacNicol and Jonathan Norman